On Sunday nights, beginning July 2nd, we are going to try something new. When the staff got away on our retreat we talked about was making Sunday nights more purposeful and family friendly. Since the Sunday night service is in our DNA and Sunday School is one of the ways we connect with each other, we’ve planned Sunday nights to fill a discipleship role for families and Sunday School fellowship. 

We are going to use Lifeway’s Discipleship Path, which is 8 key topics, and explore one a month on Sunday nights. Here’s the change in schedule, on the first Sunday of the month we will have age-graded meetings to focus on one of the pathways (July it will be Engage with Scripture). On the 2nd Sunday we will have a family focused time for families to do at home on the same pathway. Then, the 3rd Sunday night is a class fellowship with some guided discussion about the pathway. Lastly, the 4th Sunday will be all together, on campus, with testimonies about what we’ve learned. So:

July 2 – at the church learning about Engage with Scripture
July 9 – at home as families with a devo/study about Engaging with Scripture
July 16 – class fellowship (anywhere you want) discussing our Engagement with Scripture
July 23 – in the fellowship hall hearing testimonies about what we’ve learned about…you guessed it, Engaging with Scripture

There’s a 5th Sunday in July, what do we do? We are going to use those 5th Sundays as leadership training, on campus; so, once a quarter we’ll host our leaders and volunteers and potential new volunteers (you?) for training and strategy.