As believers, we are to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth — and that starts here, near, and reaches far!  We have various missions opportunities for members and their friends and families to get involved in the work of the kingdom.  We’ve had groups go on mission trips out-of-state and some out-of-the-country, but we know missions starts in our own backyard!  That’s why we’re inviting Sunday School classes to organize various mission projects to be carried out September 17th and / or 18th.

Currently, we have a handful of projects for which you can volunteer to serve in:

On the morning of September 17th, we will be helping out at the Cotton Patch Challenge in Greenville — a local bike ride that draws 100s of people from all over the area.   We will be cheering on and serving the riders as they cross the finish line.  We’ll have concessions of various types and bottles of water to freely give to each of the participants.  We just want to love on the families and individuals that have signed up to be part of this event.  In so doing, we hope to build friendships with new people and invite them out to church.  If occassion arises, we also want to have Gospel converstaions with those God opens the door to do so.

We also have a group that will be going out to Mission Arlington to volunteer however they need us to help.  This can include working in a food pantry, putting on Backyard Bible Clubs, going door-to-door to pass out flyers for upcoming events that they will be hosting, as well as lots more.  The bigger the group we take, the more opportunities we have.

Finally, our students and their families are invited to practice some of the things they learned on their mission trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma! They will be putting on a Local Block Party and One-day Bible Club at a local apartment complex.  We will be grilling hotdogs, serving snow cones, popcorn, playing games, and telling people about Jesus, our great Hero!

We have room for more opportunities if the Lord has put a need and opportunity on your heart!