Welcome to Flood Student Ministries! fb twitter

You made it!!!  You’ve discovered the digital home for FLOOD Student Ministry… our ministry for students in 7th-12th grades.

It’s our desire to help students experience and embrace the FLOOD that is the love of God, and once tasting it, disciple them to share that love with others… flooded by God and flooding others.  We do that in a lot of different ways.  Experience the Flood!

WE INVITE YOU to check out the rest of the church’s website and our youth ministry.  Our Wednesday night services are a great place for first time visitors.  Every week we gather in the Student Ministry Center from 6:30-7:45 pm for a great time of fun, new friendships, and amazing worship with relevant Bible study.

We believe in the power of family.

Most parents today feel their teens want nothing to do with them.  And, while they often express how much of a damper parents can be on their reputation, etc., research says they value your thoughts, opinions, and beliefs more than you can know.

God’s mandate for parents is that they be the chief spiritual stewards of the family.  And, to say that “this is no small task,” would be a major understatement.  Nevertheless, it is still God’s primary plan to raise up a godly generation.

These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.  —Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Because of this, we want to partner with you to help you be what God has called you to be… so that in turn, your child will be the Christian, God desires for them to be.

Every volunteer leader we have wants the best for your child. From occasional conversations between you and your child’s bible study leader to specific parent training and coaching, we want to be here for you and your family.  And, let me say, “thank you” for all that you do as a parent.  Your support and involvement has been such a crucial element of what God is doing with our students and nothing can happen without your prayers and partnership!  Parenting is a skill that is becoming all to absent with this current generation and I want you to know personally how much I admire you for the love you give to your student!

Words cannot really express how excited I am about the upcoming year.  WE will continue to offer the same great programs and opportunities for involvement that we have always had.  In addition, we are going to have a greater emphasis on connection and community for your student by encouraging them to go farther than just Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings.


If you're an adult who would like to go to camp to help, we have a camp group for discussion. VBC Youth Camp Volunteers ... See MoreSee Less
GoStudents 2024 | OKC Mission Trip -- July 13th - 17thRegistration is open! We want for every student to go on at least one mission trip while they are in the student ministry! We'd love it if they went EVERY year! Sign up NOW!form.jotform.com/240435851453051 ... See MoreSee Less
Registration for youth camp at Falls Creek, OK has opened up! Check out the website to register and find out more details about when VBC Flood Student Ministries is headed to camp --https://www.vansickle.org/event-items/falls-creek-youth-camp-2024/ ... See MoreSee Less
We had a blast at the Allen Americans Hockey Game last night!! We cherish the time we get to spend with students and their families. The game was stressful to the end, but oh so worth it!! Americans got the W in overtime! ... See MoreSee Less
We still have a decent number of tickets available for the Hockey Game on Saturday for our Students and Families! The ticket is $20 and includes us going down onto the ice for a group picture! If you are interested in going, please sign up -- form.jotform.com/240627626998068 ... See MoreSee Less